All posts by benedicte

Jayden’s trip to Venice

When we arrived in Venice, we had to go the station for the Vapporeto (ferry) so we could get to the apartment we rented. We got off the ferry and met the owner of the apartment. She guided us through the apartment and it was very nice. She showed us where to go for good restaurants, the supermarket and the bakery. We found a restaurant, I had a delicious Diavola pizza. We visited Venice, though it was full of tourists, it was very quiet probably because there was not a single car. P1010714 P1010683 P1010420We saw lots of stores that had Venetian glass (Venice is very famous about their glass art) they are hand blow which means (a man with a long pipe and a superhot oven create the art pieces) I found the glass spiders very cool. And there were lots of masks shops, Venice is famous for its carnival. I also thought that the little animals that were clear glass that had the red fish in them were also very interesting.
The next day I woke up late 9:10. We went to explore the city. Venice is beautiful. There are lots of little venders that sell souvenirs, and lots of selfie pole venders. Every day we walk all around Venice. We had lunch at the apartment and my dad made us Turbot (Turbot is a fish that looks almost exactly like a halibut but smaller) it was the best fish I had ever tasted.

Octopus in Venice
Octopus in Venice


Going to the market
Going to the market

There were lots of octopi in the fish market. Since it was my birthday my parents got me a very cool watch that looks like one of those lego watches but bigger and you press on a button to see the time. It is red. I like it very much, and it’s very practical
On the last day it is raining but we decided to still take a walk until it started raining very hard and we found a little place that kept us from getting wet. The little venders came in the same place I found a very cool pocket knife that had the flag of Italy on it. I bought it as a souvenir from Italy for only 5 euros of my own money. We returned to the apartment and my dad prepared clam linguini for lunch, it was delicious. P1010695
The day came for us to leave Venice and go to Florence. I was very sad to leave Venice but we packed our bags and left to take the train to our next destination.

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Jayden’s vacation in France August 2015

The first country we visited was France. We have lots of family there. We came to see our grandparents in Soyans, it is a small village in the south east of France. They have a cat named Calypso, when she wants to be she rub against you the falls on her side and waits to be pet. They have a basin that has at least one hundred fishes in it, 5 are giant coi, when they first got them they were 3 inches long now they are 20 inches long.


We saw lots of our cousins. We had lots of fun playing with Alexis and Matis in their grandparent’s pool. We played with Ruben and Gabriel one night and another time Baptiste with his 2 sisters came to. With my parents we visited Kenny and Evan in Grenoble, they have a Wii u and I enjoyed playing super smash bros with him. But fun comes at a price I had to study all about the Romans.

kids with cousin kenny P1000504

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I got a Hex bug from my grandparents that live in Arizona, I had to build it myself for my upcoming birthday.
We went to a medieval festival. I did archery there I have become very good at archery. We saw a parade in the festival it had fire spitters that were very cool to see.

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I have a TV show that I like to watch it’s called Fort Boyard its where people usually comedians have to do special tasks like having to walk through snakes, scorpions, lizards and find clues, answer riddles, at the end they earn money for a charity. Some teams are good but some were bad.
We also went to Toulon to visit Daniel and Germaine, there I ate truffle (a very rare and expensive mushroom) the taste was strong but I liked it. We took the boat to visit the island of Porquerolles, we swam but did too much walking.

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Time in France was really fun. But sadly we had to leave France, for Italy. We got on the train for Milan. I am writing this blog on the train. We waited at Nice train station for more than an hour. There was a fire on the tracks of the Italian station so we had to take a bus and another train. We arrived very late.

We finally arrive in Milan at 3.30 am! The next day we go to the world expo it was amazing every country build a pavilion for the expo. The theme this year was about food, how to preserve the planet and feed everybody. My favorite pavilion was Ecuador it was made by chains that every ring had a different color. Poland was made by small apple wooden boxes. Thailand was also very cool.

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There were these chairs that were designed to go in circles in a diagonal direction. There was the super market of the future it was very cool. Everything was projected on a tablet screen. In the future there will be a machine that will print your food. Israel pavilion was covered in grass, Korea was so cool because two arm robots had T.V’s and they shared a video and they sometimes came together (ex: a video of one had falling vegetables and the other had a pot that the vegetables fell in). For lunch, we ate in the Vietnamese pavilion and for dinner I had a hot dog with a milk shake to celebrate my birthday. We took the metro back to the hotel. Tomorrow we are going to Venice.


Notre premier stop pour le voyage autour du monde est la France. Nous avons beaucoup de famille ici. Nous restons chez nos grand parents, ils habitent un petit village dans le sud est de la France. ils ont une chatte qui s’appelle Calypso. Quand elle veut se faire caresser elle se laisse tomber par terre et attend que l’on vienne la caresser sur le ventre. Il y a aussi un bassin avec de l’eau de source et dedans on trouve des cois ou carpes japonaises. Ils en ont au moins une centaine, 5 d’entre elles sont très grosses, elles doivent faire 65cm. J’ai passe du bon temps avec tous nos cousins. On s’est bien amuse dans la piscine des grand parents de Matis et Alexis. J’ai aussi joue avec Ruben et Gabriel un soir. Et une autre journée j’ai vu Baptiste et ses 2 soeurs. Avec mes parents, on a rendu visite a Kenny et Evan a Grenoble, ils ont une WiiU et j’ai adore jouer a Super Mario Bros avec eux. Mais tout a une fin, car je dois faire aussi des devoirs, un de mes projets d’école était d’étudier les Romains.
Pour mon anniversaire j’ai eu une Hex bug a construire de mes grand parents d’Arizona. Je l’ai construite moi meme (sorte de robot scarabée).
Nous sommes aller a un festival medieval dans un village voisin, Bordeaux pour le 15 aout. J’ai fait du tir a l’arc, je ne suis pas trop mauvais car j’en ai deja fait. il y a eu un defile avec des cracheurs de feux, c’était plutôt cool.
J’aime bien regarder l’emission de tele Fort Boyard quand je suis chez mes grand parents. Les équipes doivent réussir des tests comme mettre la main dans des pots avec des serpents, des scorpions etc, et ils récoltent de l’argent pour une oeuvre de charité. Parfois les équipes sont bonnes parfois elles sont assez nulles.
On est aussi aller a Toulon rendre visite a Daniel et Germaine des amis de mes parents. La bas j’ai goute des truffes, le gout était très fort mais j’ai aime. On a pris le bateau pour visiter l’ile de Porquerolles, on a nage mais on a aussi fait beaucoup trop de marche.
J’ai passé du bon temps en France. Mais il faut partir pour l’Italie. On a pris un train pour Milan. J’écris mon blog dans le train. On a du attendre a Nice pour plus d’une heure. Il y avait un feu sur la voie ferrée juste avant la gare d’Italie. Ils nous ont fait prendre un bus puis un autre train. Nous sommes arrives très très tard dans la nuit a 3h30 du matin!
Le jour d’après nous sommes allés a l’expo universelle qui se tend a Milan. C’était assez spectaculaire, chaque pays (145 au total) a construit son propre pavillon. Le theme de l’expo était comment preserver la nourriture pour nourrir la planète et faire moins de gaspillage. Le pavillon de l’Equateur était mon préfère, il y avait des chaines colorées qui pendaient depuis le top. La Pologne avaient des caisses en bois sur toute la facade. Celui de la Thaïlande était cool aussi. Pour se reposer il y avait des chaises qui tournaient comme des toupies. On a visite un supermarché du futur, dans lequel on pouvait voir la nourriture imprimée en 3 D. Le pavillon de l’Israel était recouvert de vegetation, celui de la Corée du Sud était très moderne avec des bras robotises qui avaient une télévision au bout et qui bougeaient en racontant une histoire. Pour le déjeuner on a mange au pavillon Vietnamien et pour dinner j’ai choisi un hot dog avec un milk shake pour célébrer mon anniversaire. On a pris le metro pour rentrer a l’appart. Demain nous partons pour Venise.

Jumping with my cousin Batiste
Jumping with my cousin Baptiste
Jumping with Melia, Alexis and Matis
Jumping with Melia, Alexis and Matis
With Melia and Kenny
With Melia and Kenny

The start of our world tour 2015 in France

This is it, the day has arrived for my family and I to start our journey. Not long ago, my parents decided to take my brother and me on a 1 year trip around the world. Our first stop is France. Then we are going to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Australia, Fiji, Ecuador, and Peru. But it is not a long vacation off from school. No on the contrary, my brother and I will be homeschool and we will take courses online. I will have to read a book on each country we will be going to and then write an essay on it. I hope to learn new things about the cultures of these countries that I wouldn’t learn in school and try their foods. My personal goal for this trip is to learn at least a little how to speak the languages of the countries we will be going to.

My fam!
My fam!

Ca y est le jour de départ pour notre grand voyage est là. Il n’y a pas longtemps, mes parents ont décidé de nous emmener mon frère et moi pour un voyage autour du monde. Notre premier stop est la France. Puis nous irons en Italie, Grèce, Turquie, Thaïlande  Cambodge, Laos, Indonésie, Australie, Fidji, Equateur et enfin Pérou. Ce ne sera pas les grandes vacances, en fait on voyagera et on fera aussi l’école en prenant des cours sur internet. Je dois lire un livre sur chaque pays que je vais visiter et faire un rapport. J’espère apprendre de nouvelles choses sur chaque pays, sur leur culture, leur nourriture et plein d’autres choses que l’école ne m’apprendra pas. Je veux revenir en sachant parler un petit peu le language de tous ses pays.

Every summer, I go back to France to visit my family. My dad is American and my mom is French, I am bilingual and part of 2 cultures. Going back there makes me feel happy to be reunited with them because I only get the chance to see them once a year. It felt like our stay in France this summer went by faster than usual, mostly because we stayed for only one month instead of two, but also because we were having such a good time, even if I lost track of days. My grandparents live in a tiny village called Soyans, which is north of Provence. They own a small farm with a big vegetable garden. It was my job to pick the tomatoes and raspberries. They also have a coi fish pond, and some of them are giants! It was both my brother’s and my job to feed them, but since he usually forgot, it ended up being my responsibility alone. I didn’t think that my cousins, which I only see 1 or 2 days a year, changed very much, except for my cousin Emma, I thought that she really changed a lot. We had so much fun with them, but not enough time.

Chaque été, je reviens rendre visite à ma famille. Mon père est américain et ma mère française, je suis bilingue et je fais partie de 2 cultures. Je suis heureuse de retrouver tout ce monde. Je ne les vois qu’une fois par an. Cette année notre séjour m’a paru plus court que d’habitude, peut être prie qu’on est resté qu’un mois au lieu des deux de d’habitude. Mais aussi parce que je m’amusais beaucoup. Mes grand parents habitent un tout petit village appelé Soyans au Nord de la Provence. Mon grand père a un grand jardin avec plein de légumes. Mon travail était de cueillir les tomates cerises et les framboises. Dans un grand bassins ont des carpes japonaises et avec mon frère je devais les nourrir. C’était plus souvent moi que lui car il oubliait souvent. Je n’ai pas trouvé mes cousins trop changés (en fait je ne les vois qu’un ou deux fois par an) sauf Emma que je n’avais pas vu depuis 2 ans. Elle a beaucoup grandi. Je me suis bien amusée avec tous même si c’était trop court.

Ready to Jump with Jayden and my cousins Emma, Batiste and Meline
Ready to Jump with Jayden and my cousins Emma, Baptiste and Meline

I went hiking on the tallest mountain in the region with my grandfather, my parents, my brother, and my great uncles, it was about 1,500 meters. Though it wasn’t an overly difficult hike, the wind near the peak was atrocious! I thought that at any moment, I would be blown of the cliff like a leaf. Since we thought it was going to be hot, we came prepared with tank tops and shorts. I think I have never been so cold in my life and I used to live in Massachusetts! Even though the air was cold on top of the mountain, it was blistering hot at my grandparents’ house. I often went swimming with my brother and some friends in my great uncle’s swimming pool. The dryness and heat caused the creek not far from where my grandparents live was practically dry. I was disappointed about that because it had become a sort of tradition to go there with my mom, my brother, sometimes my aunt and my half-cousins on an especially hot afternoon. We also didn’t get a chance to go to the beach near Nîmes, which is where we usually go with my grandparents and my aunt. But one of my major disappointments was that I didn’t get to go to one of my stores, IKEA.

Je suis allée marcher sur la plus haute montagne de la région les 3 becs avec mon grand père, mes parents, frère et deux grand oncles. Ca n’a pas été très difficile, mais il y avait beaucoup de veJnt au sommet! On ne pouvait pas se tenir droit. On a pensé qu’il ne ferait pas froid en haut donc on n’avait pas prévu de gilet , on s’est gelé. heureusement mon grand père m’avait prêté son gilet. Je pense n’avoir jamais eu aussi froid de ma vie et pourtant j’habite au Massachusetts! Quand on est chez mes grand parents il faisait chaud. Je suis souvent allée nager chez des grand oncles qui ont des piscines avec mon frère et des amis. Il y a eu une sècheresse cette année et la rivière vers chez mes grand parents était à sec. C’était une tradition d’y aller chaque année avec ma mère, mon frère et mes cousins les après midi. Nous n’avons pas pu aller en vacance à Bisac près de Nîmes comme chaque année. Et je regrette aussi de ne pas avoir pu aller a Ikea.

Afterward, my parents, my brother and I started our trip by visiting our friends in Toulon, France. Though since we visit them every year, it doesn’t feel very different from the previous times. There, I went swimming with their granddaughter who is my age. We ate at a very nice restaurant with them. We had truffles, pigeon, and langoustine in a saffron mousse. It was absolutely delicious. Then we went to the island of Porquerolles. It is an island off the coast of Toulon. It’s a popular vacation spot but still relatively wild. I might say, we did a bit of excessive walking that day. But it felt really nice to swim in the cool ocean after a long day of walking.
We had a fantastic stay in France, now it is time to leave. I cannot wait to go to Italy, the food, scenery, I want to be there but I don’t want to leave my family behind for possibly 2 more years. Oh well, our trip has to start one day, why not now.

Puis nous sommes descendus sur Hyeres pour rendre visite à des amis, Daniel et Germaine. On y va chaque année, donc pour moi ça fait parti de mes vacances en France. Là bas j’ai nagé avec Ambre leur petite fille qui a mon âge. Ils nous ont emmené au resturant j’ai gouté des truffes, du pigeon et de la mousse aux langoustines. C’était tout très délicieux. Nous avons aussi allé visité l’ile de Porquerolles, très belle ile encore assez sauvage. Nous avons beaucoup marché ce jour là! Ambre était malade la pauvre. Ca m’a fait du bien de nager pour me rafraichir.

Nous avons passé des moments fantastiques en France, maintenant il est temps de partir. Je me languis d’être en Italie, pour la nourriture, les paysages. mais je suis trite de quitter une partie de ma famille pour peut être 2 ans. Je pense qu’il fait qu’on commence notre voyage un jour alors pourquoi pas maintenant .


Jumping with Jayden, Alexis and Matis
Jumping with Jayden, Alexis and Matis


With my little cousin, Theo
With my little cousin, Theo

Venice, one of my favorite places

Venice is a city like no other. No motor cars, it sits over water, it is visited by 20 million people a year, but has a population of about 50 thousand. A city with a gloried past and beauty to spare. Yes it has a ton of tourists, but if not for them the beauty which you see today may not have survived.
Each corner seems to bring a new discovery and getting lost in the streets of Venice is romantic and intoxicating. If you don’t feel the love here, find a new partner. The camera loves Venice and I can’t help but love it back.

Venise est une ville à part. Pas de voitures, sur l’eau, 20 millions de personne, la visite chaque année , mais a seulement une population de 50000. Une cité au passé glorieux et d’une grande beauté mais aussi bourrée de touristes. A chaque coin on découvre quelque chose de nouveau, il faut se perdre dans Venise pour la découvrir romantique.

The elegance of the Gondola
The elegance of the Gondola


Brent and Benedicte Venice
Brent and Benedicte Venice
Stowed Gondolas early morning before the tourist crush
Stowed Gondolas early morning before the tourist crush


The Piazza before the Tourists arrive
The Piazza before the Tourists arrive

Central Market Florence, Italy

For all those who care greatly about finding great food, the Central Market in Florence, Italy is a must see. So many different vendors of produce, seafood, meats, cheeses, wines, truffles, spices, etc. Then on the upper levels you have a dozen or so different restaurants and food vendors serving any number of Italian specialties. Love this place, I will return!

Pour tous ceux qui aime manger, le Marché Central de Florence est une étape à ne pas manquer. Au rez de chaussée, c’est le marché à proprement parler et à l’étage plein de petits resto, on a dégusté un risotto aux truffes, manger un steak florentin etc. J’adore cet endroit, j’y reviendrai c’est sûr!

Grilled Cheese
Grilled Cheese
Green Grocery
Green Grocery
David and his junk
David and his junk


Yes they sell pigs tails
Yes they sell pigs tails
A fellow chef preparing tripe for my son for the first time.  We tricked him a bit, he ate it, and oddly he liked it!
A fellow chef preparing tripe for my son for the first time. We tricked him a bit, he ate it, and oddly he liked it!
Pizziolas at work
Pizziolas at work

Milan and the World Expo

Departing France was difficult leaving family and friends behind and beginning our trek around the globe starting with Italy. It is not as if I have never been to Italy, but my 15 years in and out of this marvelous country brought me back with the family. This is Melia and Jayden’s first time into Italy and we wanted to make it a memorable journey.
Our first destination had us in Milan for the World’s Fair. Simply amazing! This years Expo is dedicated to feeding the soon to be 9 billion of us all. The architechture or each nations pavilions is stunning, each representing the issues and strengths of each country toward the idea of feeding the world’s populous. Each nations ideas of future farming will hopefully take us into the, well, into the Future. The issues facing the planet are urgent and the problem we face can be potentially dire if not addressed in an expedient manner. Is there any better way to introduce one’s family to the world than to witness the World’s Fair?

Partir de France a été difficile, laissant derrière famille et amis. Mais nous voici en Italy. Je connais bien l’Italie mais c’est la premiere fois que je la fais en famille. Melia et Jayden vont découvrir ce pays et nous voulons que leur expérience soit mémorable. Nous commençons par Milan pour visiter l’expo universelle. Simplement grandiose! Le thème de cette année est dédié à la nourriture et comment nourrir la population qui bientôt attendra 9 milliards. L’architecture des pavillons de chaque pays est exceptionnelle. Chaque nation exprimé à sa manière sa vision de l’agriculture du futur. Les challenges rencontraient pour sauvegarder notre planète et éviter de la voir se degrader plus. Y a t il une meilleure opportunité pour montrer la diversité du monde que de commencer par l’expo universelle?














France 2015

If you ever want to insult a Frenchman just attack his cuisine. Being a chef and being married to a French women makes me appreciate this all the more. The French defend their culture, language and cuisine fiercely defending centuries long traditions. Each time I return to France I find myself sitting around a table with friends and family starting with an apperatif such as Pastis or Vin de Noix, followed by a couple of nibbles. Afterward moving onto the entre, followed by the plat principal, bread, cheese and finally dessert always with wine present. With each meal these all came to pass. Food is serious and meal are treated with a sense of pageantry and style. French pastry is as much about art as it is about feeding one’s self a special treat.
Oddly, I learned to speak French mostly by sitting around the table, eating, drinking and desperately trying to understand the conversation going on around me. My language of food is pretty extensive these days given it is my vocation and the time spent around any number of tables is formidable. To this day my French language skills improve dramatically after a couple of glasses of wine, much to the amusement of my wife and her family. France has become a second home and that says a lot. Most of the last 20 years has been spent working and traveling around the world. To call a place a home to me means a place I want to have roots, a place where I feel I want to come back to, and a place where family resides. Vive la France.

Picking Pumkins
Picking Pumpkins on the Dorier Farm.

the kids with Benedicte's parents Simone and Joel
the kids with Benedicte’s parents Simone and Joel
The kids with cousins.
The kids with cousins.
My fam!
My fam!

The Coi Basin
The Coi Basin


With my little cousin, Theo
With my little cousin, Theo














Garden Vegetable Napoleon
Garden Vegetable Napoleon
Giant Pogne. (French Baked Donut of Sorts)
Giant Pogne. (French Baked Donut of Sorts)