Brent, Benedicte, Melia and Jayden Menke are a family making an around the world voyage to discover what it means to be a family. Brent is a chef/restauranteur that had spent the last 5 years building the Farm Table Restaurant in Bernardston, MA. 60 to 100 work hours took it’s toll and took him away from watching his family grow up. This trip has been a marriage long dream of Brent and Benedicte. Melia now 12 and Jayden 10 are the perfect age to trek around the globe with their parents and learn about the world and culture along the way.
We began this epic journey to show our kids what the world has to offer them and the opportunities and problems they will face when the time comes. The world is changing at an alarming rate and will need compassionate, educated and thoughtful individuals to help the world “going off the rails”.

Us in front of the Grand Canal Venice
Us in front of the Grand Canal Venice

P1010528 P1010509 P1010469 P1010476

Picking Pumpkins
Picking Pumpkins